Our team
The IPSUS project will be developed by a partnership between seven Universities and two Industrial Companies.

University of Greenwich
Natural Resources Institute (NRI), UK

University of Parma
Department of Food and Drug, Italy

Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University
Departments of Food and Nutrition, Nutrition and Dietetics, and Food Engineering, Turkey

Mohammed V University
Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Rabat, Morocco

Environment Department, Italy

KEDGE Business School
Accounting, Finance and Economics Department, France

BEIA Consult International

Kaanlar Food Inc.
Quality Assurance and Product Development Department, Turkey
Overall project lead
Dr Parag Acharya

Natural Resources Institute (NRI)
University of Greenwich
Dr Parag Acharya, Senior Fellow, Food Innovation, is leading alternative protein-based food research and innovation at the Natural Resources Institute (NRI), University of Greenwich, bringing 14 years of industrial R&D experience (ex-Unilever). He has championed several academia-industry collaborations funded by GCRF, STFC Food Network+, EU FP-7 ITN, TKI-Agri Food, BBSRC-CTPs etc. At NRI, he is also leading the development of Medway Food Innovation Centre which includes a plant-based food accelerator programme and working as innovation growth manager for Growing Kent and Medway agri-food cluster (funded by the UKRI Strength in Places grant of £17.8m https://www.growingkentandmedway.com)
Parag’s research is focused on demystifying the science enablers to develop future-fit product and process technologies for alternative protein by connecting domains of upcycled ingredient technologies, sustainable food processing, and novel product formulation. For further information: https://www.nri.org/people/acharya-parag
Dr Tanya Stathers

Natural Resources Institute (NRI)
University of Greenwich
Food and Markets Department
Dr Tanya Stathers, Professor of Sustainable Agri-Food and Postharvest Systems and Practice, Food and Markets Department, Natural Resources Institute (NRI), University of Greenwich, UK
Tanya’s research has focused on supporting sustainable agri-food systems, with particular emphasis on the quantification of and reduction of postharvest food losses across sub-Saharan Africa. Tanya uses her experience in quantifying and understanding food loss and waste (FLW) to lead WP1 on FLW management and upcycling opportunities for plant protein.
Further information:
Dr Delia Randolph
Natural Resources Institute (NRI)
University of Greenwich
Food and Markets Department
Dr Delia Randolph, Professor of Food Safety Systems, Food and Markets Department, Natural Resources Institute (NRI), University of Greenwich, UK.
Delia’s research studies food safety in systems and as such investigates trade-offs and synergies with livelihoods, gender, equity, nutrition, environment and other relevant factors. Her research approach is based on risk analysis, adapted to the context by approaches such as participatory epidemiology. Delia leads WP2 on Food safety, allergenicity and nutrition of plant and seaweed proteins.
Further information:
Dr Mofa Islam
Natural Resources Institute (NRI)
University of Greenwich
Livelihoods and Institutions Department
Dr Mofa Islam, Senior Fellow of Behavioural Sciences (Food and Nutrition Security), Livelihoods and Institutions Department, Natural Resources Institute (NRI), University of Greenwich, UK. Mofa is an interdisciplinary behavioural/social scientist with interest in the broad areas of sustainable agriculture, food security, and environment. Systems thinking and approaches as well as theoretical and methodological pluralism often underpin his works. Mofa will contribute to WP3 consumer choice, socio-economic drivers and policy interventions.
Further information:
Dr Maria Paciulli

University of Parma
Department of Food and Drug
Dr Maria Paciulli, Assistant Professor of Food Technology, Sensory Science and Food Safety, University of Parma, Italy.
Her experience is mainly focused on the study of novel food ingredients, with particular attention to sustainability and nutritional drivers, and the impact of processing and storage conditions on food quality. Maria leads WP4.
For further information:
Dr Marcello Alinovi

University of Parma
Department of Food and Drug
Dr Marcello Alinovi, Assistant Professor of Dairy and Meat Products Technology and Development of Functional Foods, University of Parma, Italy.
Marcello’s research activities are focused on the impact of traditional and innovative technologies on the quality of food, with particular attention to dairy products as well as utilization of novel food ingredients. Marcello co-leads WP4 and will be involved in WP3.
Further information:
Dr Elena Bancalari
University of Parma
Department of Food and Drug
Dr Elena Bancalari, Assistant Professor of Food Microbiology and Food Hygiene, University of Parma, Italy. Her research activities are focused on the study of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in food formulations, exploiting their acidifying properties, aroma and exopolysaccharides production. The study of Spirulina as food ingredient and its effect on LAB’s growth, the study of the raw milk and cheese microflora, and the effect of processing on the microbiological quality of foods are other topics of interest. Elena co-leads WP2 and is involved in WP4.
Further information:
Dr Giovanni Sogari

University of Parma
Department of Food and Drug
Dr Giovanni Sogari, Assistant Professor of Consumer Behaviour, University of Parma, Italy. His main research activities and interests have been focused on understanding consumers’ food preferences, through use of different types of techniques, i.e. focus groups, nominal group techniques, choice experiments, attitude behaviour theory, sensory analysis, and nudging. He leads WP5.
Further information:
Professor Monica Gatti
University of Parma
Department of Food and Drug
Professor Monica Gatti, Full Professor of Food Microbiology, University of Parma, Italy. Her main research topics are ecology of lactic acid bacteria, natural starter cultures, bacterial biodiversity, cell viability in fermented food, food safety and processing. Monica is involved in WP4.
For further information:
Professor Emma Chiavaro
University of Parma
Department of Food and Drug
Professor Emma Chiavaro, Associate Professor of Food Technology, University of Parma, Italy. Her main research interests are: technology of oils and fats; physical and thermal properties of foods; technological and nutritional quality of food after cooking and preservation techniques. Emma is involved in WP4.
Further information:
Giulia Andreani, BSc, MSc

University of Parma
Department of Food and Drug
Giulia Andreani is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Food and Drugs at the University of Parma, Italy. She completed her MSc in Human Nutrition & Food Sciences and holds a BSc in Biology. Her previous experience in the public sector at the European law-making level helped shape her interest in the role of consumer science to improve dietary behaviors and strategies to make healthier and more sustainable eating choices. Her current research focuses on the realm of plant-based alternatives and food labeling.
Irene Fenga
University of Parma
Department of Food and Drug
Irene Fenga is a Ph.D. candidate in Food Science at the University of Parma, Italy. Her main research interests are focused on the functionalization and use of plant-based proteins as ingredients for novel food formulations. Irene will be involved in WP4.
Dr Davide Imperiale

Sustainability and Valorisation
Environment department
Dr Davide Imperiale is the Head of Environment Department, Sustainability and Enhancement Area at Experimental Station for the Food Preservation Industry – Research Foundation (SSICA) in Italy. His main research activities have been focused on the impact of pollutants (metals and nanomaterial) on plant and crops of commercial interest. He has skills in the field of phytoremediation and bioremediation, in the wastewater treatment and in the research and development of biomass treatment and valorisation techniques through conventional or innovative methodologies. Davide co-leads WP1 and is involved in WP4.
Dr Luca Sandei
Vegetable Products and Tomato
Dr Luca Sandei, Head of Vegetable Products and Tomato Area at Experimental Station for the Food Preservation Industry – Research Foundation in Italy. As a food scientist, he has led applied research and development projects on fresh, processed, dried and frozen vegetable products. He is president of the International Legislative Commission of the World Processing Tomato Council (WPTC). He is coordinator of the ISHS Workgroup Production of Vegetables for Processing. He is a member of the Codex Alimentarius: Italian National Committee for Processed Plants (FAO-WHO). He is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Tomato Foundation. In IPSUS he will be involved in WP1 and WP4.
Dr Andrea Brutti
Quality, Safety and Preindustrialization
Factory department
Dr Andrea Brutti, Coordinator of Factory, Quality, Safety and Preindustrialization at Experimental Station for the Food Preservation Industry – Research Foundation in Italy. His research activities are focused on increasing food safety and extending the shelf life of food products through the use of mild technologies. In IPSUS he will be involved in WP4.
Dr Ismail Hakki Tekiner

Istanbul Zaim University
Nutrition & Dietetics department
Dr İsmail Hakkı Tekiner, has a background in chemical and food engineering and works in the Nutrition & Dietetics, Food & Nutrition, and Food Engineering Departments of IZU, Turkey.
His primary research interests are food safety and security, food and nutrition, food microbiology, food allergy, and molecular techniques. He co-leads WP2 and is involved in WP 1, 3, and 4.
Further information:
Dr Mehment Özbil
Istanbul Zaim University
Nutrition & Dietetics department
Dr Mehmet Özbil has expertise in computational biochemistry, protein dynamics, computer-based drug designing, molecular dynamic simulations, and protein-ligand interaction. He will conduct the in silico molecular docking, toxicology and kinetics simulations.
Dr Pınar Obakan Yerlikaya
Istanbul Zaim University
Nutrition & Dietetics department
Dr Pınar Obakan Yerlikaya focuses on molecular biology and genetics, and primarily studies cancer. She will carry out the tasks related to the molecular screening and characterization of the allergens in the project.
Dr Gülden Gökşen
Istanbul Zaim University
Nutrition & Dietetics department
Dr Gülden Gökşen has expertise in the development of food applications intended to improve food safety and enhance functionality. Her research activities are nano/micro/macro encapsulation, in vitro digestion, bioavailability, electrospinning technology, biodegradable packaging, and valorization. She will perform the tasks related to the nutritional end points (digestibility and bioavailability).
Dr Leila Mehdizadehtapeh
Istanbul Zaim University
Nutrition & Dietetics department
Dr Leila Mehdizadehtapeh has expertise in molecular biology and genetics, and food safety. She will perform in silico and in vitro studies on the safety risk assessment of the biomasses, formulations, and analogues in the project.
Ms. Rukiye Er
Kaanlar Foods Inc.
Product Development
Ms. Rukiye Er, Kaanlar Foods Inc., has a background in food engineering. She is responsible for supervising the quality assurance policy and product development engineering. Her primary fields of interest are food regulations, cheese production and development.
Mr. Muharrem Kaan
Kaanlar Foods Inc.
Mr. Muharrem Kaan, Kaanlar, is the vice president of the Kaanlar Food Inc. With a background in Business Administration and International Quality Management, he will support the WP4 tasks managerially on behalf of Kaanlar Food Inc.
Professor Said Ennahli
Ecole Nationale d’Agriculture de Meknès
Professor Said En-nahli, is an Associate Professor at the Ecole National d’Agriculture de Meknes, Morocco. He is a specialist in the analysis of complex bioactive and volatile compounds in foods and food by-products. He has a particular interest in the analysis of biochemical and nutritional properties and formulation of new products based on the valorisation of local agricultural by-products, supporting new and established food industry entrepreneurs and assisting with food safety regulatory issues. Said leads WP3 and is involved in WP1, 2 and 4.
Professor Aadil Bajoub
Ecole Nationale d’Agriculture de Meknès
Professor Aadil Bajoub, ENAM, has significant experience in analytical chemistry. He has developed and validated methods for olive oil extraction. His main research interest is in the valorization of the bioactive compounds from food products and their by-products. His skills in analytical chemistry are of great importance to the IPSUS project for developing and optimizing methods for protein extraction from the selected crops.
Dr Rachid Ouaabou
Ecole Nationale d’Agriculture de Meknès
Dr Rachid Ouaabou, ENAM, is an engineer and a current post-doctoral researcher, she has skills in food chemistry, and formulation. She will assist with full characterization of extracted proteins as well as with the formulation of new products (WP4).
Professor Belkoura Ilham
Ecole Nationale d’Agriculture de Meknès
Pr Belkoura Ilham, ENAM, is a biotechnologist and specialist in valorization of plant byproducts. She will assist the project partners in full unlocking of the selected protein samples.
Professor El Amine Ajal
Mohammed V University
Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Rabat
Prof. Ajal EL Amine, is a specialist in biodiversity, natural products chemistry, and food sciences and technology with competences on development of analytical methods with separation techniques for quality control of extracts from by-products, functional foods and active biofilms, applications of solid-phase microextraction (SPME) and headspace -GC-MS techniques to study the lipid extracts and other natural compounds. Ajal co-leads WP3.
Professor Nejjari Rachid
Mohammed V University
Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Rabat
Prof Nejjari Rachid, MU, is a specialist in clinical pharmacy, and works on the formulation of enriched oils and evaluation of their properties
Prof Zakaria Imane
Mohammed V University
Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Rabat
Prof Zakaria Imane, MU, has consolidated expertise in plant origin compounds characterization.
Professor Chergui Abdelhak
Mohammed V University
Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Rabat
Prof Chergui Abdelhak, MU, is a biologist experienced in the conservation of plant biodiversity and use of aromatic and medicinal plants in health and agronomy fields. Along with other team members using their skills in chemistry and pharmacogeny they will assist the project in a full characterization of the proteins extracted from the selected crops samples and all tests related to toxicity and safety of the extracted material.
Dr George Suciu Jr.
BEIA Consult International
R&D and Innovation
Dr George Suciu Jr., is the R&D and Innovation Manager at BEIA Consult International in Romania. BEIA Consult International is an R&D performing SME, founded in 1991, and one of the leading providers of ICT solutions and services in Romania for cloud communications and IoT telemetry. The company’s references include over 5,000 turnkey projects for advanced tele-monitoring solutions, including for smart agriculture.
George’s postdoc research work is focused on the field of cloud communications, blockchain, cyber-physical quantum security, AI (ML/DL/FL) for big data and IoT/M2M. He has experience in telemetry using sensors and multispectral cameras (VLC/IR/UV/NVIS) for agriculture (frost warnings, disease alert for plants, evapo-transpiration calculations, measurement of accumulated degree days, aqua/hydroponics, urban farming, food waste traceability), accurate water data (water sensors for hydrographical purposes, from precipitation to water level monitoring of lakes, rivers, wells), efficient water management (leak and burst detection, pressure, flow, level and well monitoring), irrigation management (including sensors for measuring soil moisture, monitor water uptake). He also has experience working with decision support systems such as Drools, OpenRules and GeoFIS. He will participate in WP1.
Dr Mihaela Balanescu
BEIA Consult International
R&D and Innovation
Dr Mihaela Balanescu, BEIA, is a senior researcher with over 20 years’ experience in the field of data analysis, design of experiment, environmental impact assessment, technological process modelling, climate change and environmental risk management. Other projects she works on include: Advanced Digital Solutions for Professional Food and Nutrition Catering Service (ADCATER) project http://www.beiaro.eu/adcater/ and Autonomous and easy-to-use tool for monitoring of personal food intake and personalised feedback https://itea4.org/project/food-friend.html.
Dr. Cristina Mihaela Balaceanu
BEIA Consult International
R&D and Innovation
Dr Cristina Mihaela Balaceanu, BEIA, has over 15 years’ research experience in the fields of climate change, environmental impact assessment, smart agriculture, data analysis, air quality modelling. Other projects she works on include: Advanced Digital Solutions for Professional Food and Nutrition Catering Service (ADCATER) project http://www.beiaro.eu/adcater/ and Autonomous and easy-to-use tool for monitoring of personal food intake and personalised feedback https://itea4.org/project/food-friend.html.
Dr Victor Suciu
BEIA Consult International
R&D and Innovation
Dr Victor Suciu, BEIA, is a senior researcher with expertise in ICT and telemetry for various use cases. He manages and participates in the project: A Strategic Approach Towards changing Consumer Eating Behavior Through a Novel e-Platform “Chef2plate”.
Dr Florine Pecheux-Livat
Kedge Business School
Accounting, Finance & Economics department
Dr. Florine Livat is an Associate Professor of Economics at Kedge Business School. Her research applies principles from consumer theory, industrial organization, and marketing to address empirical questions related to food and wine markets. She has published in international peer-reviewed journals, such as Economic Modelling, Food Policy, European Review of Agricultural Economics, Journal of Wine Economics, and in several handbooks. She co-leads WP5.